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The Road to Phillips & Marek via Babies, Businesses and Botox

The Phillips & Marek name may be new; we are anything but.

Back in 1998, I worked for an ad agency in Houston billing as many hours as I could from 9 to 5. After the clients hung it up for the day, I shifted into new business mode until well into the night. When I got pregnant, it’s no wonder that the “mommy track” sounded like a sane option for a year, so I gave it a whirl.

However, as I sat home with my newborn, a local colleague told me that Shell Oil was looking for someone to handle a 12-month PR contract focused on corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Since I knew nothing about the topics at that time and was chronically sleep-deprived, I did the only logical thing. I immediately made an appointment to pitch the account. Thankfully, I had the good sense to recruit Stephennie Anderson, a fellow marketer from my Women in Communications (AWC) chapter, to go along with me for the ride. And much to our surprise (even to this day), we won the account! And that’s how my second child, AndersonPhillips Communications, was born.

Rather than billing exorbitantly high rates so we could afford glitzy offices staffed with entry-level employees craving on-the-job-training, we kept things simple. It started with the two of us and very best talent around town on contract. That worked well because soon, there were three!

While there was no shortage of amazing graphic designers, our consistent go-to person was Melissa Marek, also from AWC. In fact, she became a high-performing member of the team before we even realized it. Together, the three of us pitched business around the country and won clients in industries ranging from healthcare and non-profit to energy and high-tech.

Despite a couple moves across state lines and short stints working directly for clients, the trio is still the same because it works. While Stephennie has replaced her passion for media relations with accounts receivable, Melissa and I are going stronger than ever. In fact, the desire to amp up our careers and expand the business recently led to the launch of Phillips & Marek...a full-service agency with affiliates around the country focused on marketing, public relations, communications, design, and most of all, experience.

The core of who we are hasn’t changed much over the years, except perhaps a couple of babies along the way, the businesses we’ve worked with and the desire for Botox brought about by far too many pandemic era Zoom meetings.

If you're interested in learning more about this topic or discussing what Phillips & Marek can do for you, let's talk! Simply send us a message below and we'll book a time that's convenient for you.


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