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Prior to becoming the design director for Phillips & Marek, Melissa J. Marek worked at The Texas Heart Institute in the Texas Medical Center, producing internal and external marketing, outreach and educational materials, as well as scientific publications, such as the Texas Heart Institute Journal.

Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwan holding "Heart of a Champion" poster
Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwan signing "Heart of a Champion" poster

“Heart of a Champion” poster featuring Hakeem Olajuwon and Denton A. Cooley, MD, signed in person by “The Dream.” It was auctioned at an event benefitting The Texas Heart Institute and hosted by local celebrity Debra Duncan.

“Heart of a Champion” poster featuring Hakeem Olajuwon and Denton A. Cooley, MD
What is Blood? infographic
The Cardiovascular System infographic
What is Blood? infographic for kids
The Cardiovascular System infographic for kids

“An Incredible Machine” series of infographics originally designed for the THI Heart Information Center and then retooled for Project Heart, an online resource about cardiovascular health for educators and children in grades K-6. The Pinterest board of the original series received a silver social media Web Health Award.

Navigation bar for Project Heart
Leo Manzano promoting Project Heart
Project Heart brochure
Project Heart splash page
Sample lesson plan for Project Heart (grade 4)
Sample lesson plan for Project Heart

Project Heart and Leo Manzano. The Olympic silver medalist and THI Ambassador helping promote heart health to kids.

Project Heart work include a brochure, website navigation icons, splash page and logo, as well as sample pages from vertically-aligned lessons plans about cardiovascular health for grades K-6.

Copy of 100,000 Hearts signed by Denton A. Cooley, MD
100,000 Hearts book
Mayor Annise Parker and Dr. Denton A. Cooley hold copies of 100,000 hearts.

100,000 Hearts All photos for Dr. Denton Cooley’s memoir were restored or retouched for publication.

When you’re ready to launch or elevate your brand, schedule a time to learn how Phillips & Marek can help.

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